Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Augusta Regional SPCA. Volunteers help keep our shelter (and our animals) running strong!
You should be able to give a minimum of 8 hours per month and be at least 16 years of age to volunteer without a parent/guardian. We welcome younger volunteers under the age of 16 but they MUST be accompanied at all times by an adult over the age of 21 years who has also completed our Volunteer Orientation Program. Volunteers under the age of 16 years are restricted from certain tasks and activities. (Note: If you are volunteering for special events only, such as our Cause for Paws or Pets in the Park, or to work in our benefit shop you will not be held to this requirement.)
Getting Started
We provide training and support to our volunteers through our New Volunteer Orientation Program. During this informational meeting, an overview of our organization and volunteer needs is provided for potential volunteers who may then supply information about their skills and interests to apply to become an active ARSPCA volunteer. If you have a child under the age of 16 who wants to volunteer and is prepared to meet the 8 hour per month requirement, please contact the Volunteer Coordinators at arspcavolunteers@gmail.com.
Click here to download our volunteer application and email the application to spca@arspca.org.
You can also submit an online application form.
Getting Involved
Our volunteers may help with many different tasks including
- Dog walking
- Socializing the animals
- Fostering animals
- Hosting Pet Outings and “Meet & Greets” in the community
- Helping staff the SPCA Benefit Shop at 2217 North Augusta Street in the Terry Court Shopping Center
- Helping with fund-raising events
- Maintaining the grounds of the shelter with planting, weeding, mulching, etc.
- Taking photographs at our special events.
Questions? Email us with them!